

Friday, February 21, 2014



impian semua wanita..
impian semua perempuan..
untuk mengandung, melahirkan dan membesarkan seseorang yang bernama anak..
siapa yang dapat menolak kecomelan seorang bayi?..
siapa yang dapat menahan ketawa melihat celoteh si anak kecil?..
sepanjang aku posting di placement paeds (kanak-kanak)..
banyak yang aku observe, aku menilai, aku belajar..
ada yang mengundang kemarahanku..
ada juga simpati dan sedih terasa di hati..
there is a baby, we called as baby A..
last 2 days, his birthday, he turns one year old right now..
jak dia lahir, si ibu meninggalkan dia..
atas alasan tidak mampu menjaganya..
that baby has a lot of problems even though he looks like a normal baby..
like others babies, active like he has such a good health..
sebetulnya, dia ad problem with his both eyes, hearing problems, and heart problem
..at aged 5 months.. he is already wearing his glasses.. thick one..
hehe.. so cute when he wears it.. he is not totally deaf, but impaired in hearing, maybe not so peka dengan bunyi..
all staffs here love him, they buy him the clothes, the toys, all of his needs,..
he is such a good boy, so easy to take care of him..
usually after i give the treatment ( refer to physio as developmental delay) , i will make him to sleep..
when he sleeps, i look to his face..handsome boy! hehe..
hidung mancung, bulu mata panjang, kulit putih, tinggi pulak tu....
then i wonder..
macam mana dia besar nt?
if his friends ask him about his mother, what he's going to tell them..
poor him!..huhu
but when i think again..
luckily his mother left him in the hospital..
kalau la dia tinggal tepi jalan ke, dalam longkang ke.. huhu..lagi xde pedoman..
moge Allah melindungi kamu baby.. u're special baby!
ad terdetik kat hati aku, kalu la aku daa keje sekarang, mmg aku amek daa..huhu
this is another baby's story..
his mom is so young, almost my age, but already have a child before..
so this is her second child...
unluckily, he was born premature and has problem with his brain..
he must uses suction machine throughout his life..
secretion banyak sangat, memang kena at least 2x sedut secretion dia..
as he is in hospital, like everyday physio will come to do suctioning..
yang sadisnya.. sepanjang dia duk hospital, xde sapa pon datang melawat dia..
sahkan orang jauh, parents dia pon tak de..huhu
hari2 aku jumpe this baby.. always called his name, where is your mom?..
after a month, i am here.. finally i get to see his mom..
itupon doctor called suh datang.. cause baby needs her and doctor planned to discharge this baby..
so we need to teach her mom on how to do suction at home.. teach her some exercises for the baby..
but aku pulak yang ase sakit hati n gerammm..
his mother amek sikap acuh tak acuh..
aku wisau betul..
macam mana la baby ni kat rumah dia nt..
xde usaha langsung dari si ibu..
i dont know why she react like that..
maybe it is hard for her to accept the baby..
but it is already more than months passed by..huhu..
kesian baby tu..
maybe im not in her shoes..
but u mengandung kn dia  almost 9 months..
at least, simpati la untuknya..huhu

*ya Allah, janganlah Kau biarkan aku hanyut dan lalai dari tanggungjawabku.. Kau kurniakan lah aku jodoh yang baik, zuriat yang baik, ikhlaskanlah hati dalam apa jua aku lakukan, hanyalah keranaMu..

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