

Monday, February 25, 2013

amBITIon or ItS juST A woRD??

ambition that means cita-cita, impian, keinginan..a.k.a  a dream or desire..
my lovely nephew, syakir.. he reminds me of my-old-self..^.^
when he was 4 years old.. he learns everything surround him.. everything is a new thing for him..
he looks so excited and curious to treasure.. lols..
at aged of 1 year (i think so..haha)
one morning, he saw a huge truck outside the house, two people taking  the black garbage plastics in the dustbin and throw them at the back of truck.. he was so curious about that..  very week, he waited for that truck at the door.. he looks so interested at that time.. when i ask him, what u're going to be? he said like those people, and he'll be the driver one (means that truck driver or lorry driver).. then  i smiled.
during that year, our first malaysian astronaut  kept on appearing in television. everybody praised him.. malaysian proud of him.. he gotta be an icon for the youth..
at aged of 3 years
then, i ask again, what u're going to be when u grow up?..with fire of spirit, he said. "abang wanna be an astronaut like dr.syed mudzaffar"..i smiled again.
when he was 5 years old.. her mother send him to kindergarten.. he learns abcd... 1234.. reciting al quran, choral speaking.. and he makes some friends there.. he is so happy.. now he loves to talk about cartoon..
one day, i asked him the same question, what u're going to be?.. he answered, " i wanna be BEN 10.".. then i replied, "why BEN 10?".. " ala.. do you know that BEN 10 can change his body into many creatures and has an amazing power, he can defeat bad peoples"..he has full of passion on that.. hahah.. i still can imagine his face while he was telling the story..he got my smile at the end... eventhough i'm not really understand the story..lol..
has growing up (aged 5)
one night, he slept in my bedroom.. he found my stethoscope.. he loved to play with it.. he asked me to be his patient.. then he acted like one.. very good doctor... lols.. before sleep i asked him.. what u wanna be someday? he answered, " i wanna a doctor. i wanna treat nukman (he's brother) and others who are seeking for medical help"..
my heart touched..T.T.. the pure answer from a pure child...i dont know what he's going to be in future.. one thing that i know he gonna be a good son, a good brother... inshaAllah.. amin~~.. i love him very much.. i think i 'll ask again at the end of this year as he is the aged of 6...=).. waiting for his next answer..hehe

back to my-old-self.. when i was in primary school.. i love the stars.. they looks beautiful at night.. then i wanna be "ahli falak" a.k.a astronomist.. then, without knowing i love creating new design, drawing some dresses, i have 3 books of design for wedding dresses, tops, as well as some acsessories.. lolss...  then i think i wanna be fashion designer.. =.=
when..i get my little brother, i love baby.. they are too cute, then i wanna be a doctor who welcome the baby during delivery a.k.a.. doctor sakit puan.. hahaha.. then, i grow up.. i joined mrsm.. there are a lot of excellent students.. most of students wanna be doctor, most of them taking major in science to get medical track.. then i realize i dont wanna be a doctor.. i wanna be different from my friends..but what is it? honeslty, at that aged of 15, i really dont know what i wanna be, which one the path that should i choose..zzzzz
somehow i wanna be a forensic account then.. lols.. since then i'm taking subject account in form 4... lols.. its quite hard but i love numbers.. but later.. i found out i not really into it... lols.. haha (suka suki hati aku jew).. but i have to.. cause its already register for me to sit 10 papers including account subject.. hahah..
after spm, i have watched a lot of CSI dramas.. then i told abah, i wanna a forensic doctor..(dah pulakk..).. but for the first time i really think that i know what i want..(kononlah)hahah.. unfortunately, my results is not as excellent as should it be if u want to further in medical area...i accept but a little bit frustrated..
my abah said to me.. why dont u try on physiotherapy?.. i dont know even a single thing about it.. zero..(truk gak general knowledge aku) hehe..then i figure it out..

then, HERE I AM!.. hehe.. i'm physiotherapist right now.. i had tried to love it and now i'm fallen in love with it.. i'm happy with it.. =).. no one knows..no one expected i'm going to be like this.. surprise haa? ^.^..
(its doesnt mean that what we want we will get, Allah will give the best for everyone of us.. just accept it, being thankful and being the best in it.. 'rezeki orang kite tak napak, hanya Allah saja yang tahu'.. dont ever underestimate others..maybe he or she can change the world... hehe =)



  1. really love this one!
    we plan, but Allah decide, and He decide the best for us :)

  2. jom kita usahakan yang terbaik.. moge Allah berkati dan mempermudahkan jalan kita.. amin =)
